Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ceramics The Human Element... last class May 2012

Ceramics The Human Element!  By Marlene Woodason

How quickly this class has come to an end.  I will certainly never forget all the talented classmates I met and all the great projects we did in class with our teacher, Judy.  It has been the culminations of many thoughts, processes and outcomes that we have all been through to get to this point. 

 I applaud this class ....for it has been the most unique, diverse and talented class I have ever been in.  I really will miss all the fun things we did.  Especially the first project, the whistles, the figures that sit on bowls .... the heads, and the reports on individual artist. There were so many creative, inspiring students in this basic ceramic class that many people outside of our class were talking about us.   

It seems to me that we learned in every direction possible .... we have seen our triumphs and our disappointments in the projects  we worked so hard on.  We discussed their outcomes and in the future we will have the experience to go forward with new and exciting projects.

This has also been an adventure to see how such creative people of different backgrounds, cultures and ages blended together helping each other.  That was wonderful in my book.  It has my pleasure to be a small part of this fabulous group ... God Bless each one of you on your journey in life~

Note to Judy.... this has been a great ceramic class for all of us and you should be commended for your teaching, tolerance and hard work.  Bravo, The Masterpiece is finally completed! Thank you so very much!

Enjoying The Journey .... Marlene Dale Link Woodason

Photos from my projects and some of the student projects!

Project: designed a head from Shakespeare - Juliet   Hand sculpted - bisque fired

Below:  Goblet and platter project:  slab design platter..... coil created for goblet addition of sculpted vines and grapes.

Other students work: